Santiago Apóstol Episcopal Church
Baraguá, Cuba
Rev. Yohanes Cobiellas Toledo, Pastor
At the beginning of the last century emigrants from the English-speaking Caribbean settled in Baraguá to work on the cultivation of sugar cane as well as other agricultural jobs.
The Anglican tradition bore fruit in the 1920s in the founding of the Episcopal Church of Santiago the Apostle, which held services in different places until in the sixties when the current church was built.
At the sound of the bells the faithful come to celebrate the gift of God every Sunday morning, for almost a century.
The worship space has an adjacent living room and kitchen where remnants of the traditions are expressed. There, hymns are sung in the English language, traditional Caribbean foods and drinks are enjoyed, and the stories of the first inhabitants are heard. On Wednesday mornings a ministry is held with elderly people, with talks, snacks and other activities.
The Church is committed to the production of food through a rabbit breeding project, an initiative that arose in response to the needs experienced by this community located in an area of scarce economic resources.
There are plans to offer purified water, dining service to people of greater vulnerability and more participation in food production.