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San Pablo Episcopal Church 

Bolondrón, Cuba

The congregation was founded in 1890. The church was built in 1902, making it the first Episcopal Church in Cuba. Since then it has been a witness to the Gospel and a beacon of well-being for the community. Among the services it has offered over time are: the Public Library;  the ecumenical theater "Cirilo Villaverde" created in 1952; The free Medical Clinic, created in 1953 by the Rev. Jose R. Gutierrez  (until 1957); and free layettes and Christmas dinners.  In 1898 Rev. Duarte founded an orphanage sponsored by the church, caring for 16 children orphaned in the War of Independence. In keeping with today's demands for well-being, the church offers multiple spiritual, nutrition and mental health programs.

The Congregation has 80 active members.  Wednesdays the community gathers in an open-air chapel for Morning Eucharist. Thursdays is when a group of teenagers meets.  Older youth meet on Friday.  Training courses are offered for the community (Bible, Latin American Theology, Spirituality, etc.)


This is a Church that promotes lay ministry. It also offers communal breakfast every Sunday, thanks to St. George's Church serving Guelph in the Diocese of Niagara, Canada,who had the great kindness and generosity to support this project.


The members of the San Pablo community are committed to sustaining the life of the Church, and although they faithfully keep their commitments, this does not cover all the annual expenses or projects that are executed.

Classification: D

Nearest Airport(s):
Varadero, 1 hr.

Havana, 2 hrs.

- Maintenance of the church building

- Minor renovation of the rectory


Cost Range:

$5,000 - $8,000

Current partner(s): 
- St. Francis in the Field, FL


- Diocese of Niagra, Canada, Dean Cormack   

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